About Karl

Growth Companion for technology companies since 2015
In addition to supporting 6- and 7-digit financing rounds and funding (very important for expensive plant technology), I have facilitated team, brand, organizational (culture), infrastructure, pilot customer and strategy development, as well as organized the finances, partly on an interim basis.
My journey into the start-up, technology transfer and entrepreneurial scenes began in 2015, after I realized that the world is not shaped for the better within large corporations, as in my case Mercedes-Benz Cars. In search of the true origin of novelty and the confusing path that the new must take to improve the lives of millions of people, I dedicated myself fully to the successful transfer of innovation.
In 2017, I was invited to co-create a progressive crowdfunding platform for organic farming. For two and a half years, I was a board member and experienced my own rollercoaster ride as a founder. We were unable to fulfill our initial vision, but after realignment and refinancing, the company was placed in new hands.
The co-creation of companies as shareholders began as early as 2013, first in a shirtless way, later more and more professionally.
As a graduate engineer for lightweight construction and plastics design and a patent engineer, my path is not straightforward, but it is rich in experience and connects across disciplines.
First start-up investment 20'13
First interim function 20'15 (controlling, strategy)
First funding acquisition 20'15
First financing round 20'16
First founding management (business development, PM, controlling, finance) 20'17
First swarm funding 20'17
First supervisory board function in a start-up 20'19
Accredited consultant at BAFA 20'20