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About Karl

Karl Kretschmer Advisor Interimsmanagement Start-ups KMU

Growth Companion for technology companies since 2015

In addition to supporting 6- and 7-digit financing rounds and funding (very important for expensive plant technology), I have facilitated team, brand, organizational (culture), infrastructure, pilot customer and strategy development, as well as organized the finances, partly on an interim basis.


My journey into the start-up, technology transfer and entrepreneurial scenes began in 2015, after I realized that the world is not shaped for the better within large corporations, as in my case Mercedes-Benz Cars. In search of the true origin of novelty and the confusing path that the new must take to improve the lives of millions of people, I dedicated myself fully to the successful transfer of innovation.


In 2017, I was invited to co-create a progressive crowdfunding platform for organic farming. For two and a half years, I was a board member and experienced my own rollercoaster ride as a founder. We were unable to fulfill our initial vision, but after realignment and refinancing, the company was placed in new hands.


The co-creation of companies as shareholders began as early as 2013, first in a shirtless way, later more and more professionally.


As a graduate engineer for lightweight construction and plastics design and a patent engineer, my path is not straightforward, but it is rich in experience and connects across disciplines.


  • 19'89

  • Dipl.-Ing.

  • First start-up investment 20'13

  • First interim function  20'15 (controlling, strategy)

  • First funding acquisition 20'15

  • First financing round 20'16

  • First founding management (business development, PM, controlling, finance) 20'17

  • First swarm funding 20'17

  • First supervisory board function in a start-up 20'19

  • Accredited consultant at BAFA 20'20

 for advice!

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